If you can't find your question answered on our FAQs, please send us mail at [email protected]

What is the EtMDB API?

The EtMDB API enables users to programmatically access and manage resources (such as movies, cinemas, artists, companies and filmography). It is designed to be simple and intuitive, and is based on widely accepted standards and conventions, including REST, JSON, and HTTP success and error codes. If you already have experience with other publicly available RESTful APIs, you will feel right at home.

How can I access the API?

You need to contact us or send us email to get beta access to our API.

Where can I find examples of code interacting with the API?

For every API method listed in our API documentation we provide example requests in JSON response.

IMDB provides Ethiopian movies and artists data, why should I use EtMDB?

Well IMDB does not provide all Ethiopian Movies & Artists through web or APIs. And our goal is to provide structured data of Ethiopian movies to developers and other websites, mobile apps to build apps on it.

How do I get support?

If you build on our API, we will do our best to support you and quickly respond to all your questions. We would also love to hear your feedback, and promise to give it serious considerations. Contact us directly with these or any other feedback at [email protected] . For news and updates, please follow us on Twitter @etmdbpi and check back the documentation regularly.

What are the legal terms and conditions of the EtMDB API?

Check the API developers terms of use.

How do you collect data?

From many different channels, including our content team. Data is contributed by our community members as well, and is then maintained by us. We do not parse any website, we respect others' terms of services.

Fair Usage & Copyright

Movie and Artists data (including image) is all public data, and it is not required to obtain copyright permission to use them as it as. However we request every developer to give us credit for the data we provide. Credits should be given to EtMDB

Does EtMDB provide DB dump?

No. Our Database is only accessible via website, browsable API or programmatic API calls.

Last update on:July 2, 2017, 9:39 p.m.by EtMDB API Developers