91min | Comedy | Romance
ከዩኒቨርሲቲ ትምህርቱ ችግር ያጋተመው ወጣት በኣጋጣሚ በተዋወቃቸው ሰዎች ኑሮን በተለየ ኣቅጣጫ ሲመራ የሚያሳይ አስቂኝና አዝናኝ ቁምነገር አዘል ፊልም
Directed by: Abdisa Mitiku
Actor(s) & Actress(s): Kalkidan Tameru
Produced by:
Written by: Abdisa Mitiku
Age restriction: G (General Audiences)
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Juliet (ዡልየት) (Jan. 1, 2015)
Anchin Lene (Sept. 27, 2019)
The Prison Boy(የእስር ቤቱ ልጅ ) (Aug. 8, 2016)
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