Meet the team

የኢትዮጵያ ፊልም Database (EtMDB) ”የሃገራችንን የፊልም ታሪክ በጋራ እንጻፍ” በሚል መርህ ቃል በ2007 ዓ.ም. ተመሰረተ። የኢትምዲቢ. ዋና ዓላማ የሃገራችንን ተዋናዮች, ፊልሞች, በተጨማሪም ለፊልሙ እገዛ ዓድራጊዎች ለምሳሌ አቀናባሪ እና ማስታወቂያ ድርጅት፣ የካሜራ ባለሙያ፣ ሜካፕ አርቲስት እንዲሁም ሌሎች ባለሙያዎች እውቅና እንዲያገኙ፣ የህይወት ታሪክና ስራቸው ተመዝግቦ ህብረተሰቡ ማጣቀሻ ማህደር ወይም ሂስ መስጫ የሚያቀርብበት ድረ-ገፅ ነው።

Ethiopian Movie Database (EtMDB) helps users/the community with unlimited Ethiopian movie, TV shows and Ethiopian artist contents. Etmdb website offers a searchable database for Ethiopian movies, Ethiopian actors, actress, directors, writers, production and distribution companies and full movie crews.

EtMDB provides users with rating and watch-list to improve movie lovers with exclusive contents. Users can also share movies and photo galleries, users reviews, build a list of movies you want to watch or watched, watch trailers, and get recommendations based on personal interest. We are working for the users to provide more insight and content that is incomplete in our website.

EtMDB team has two movie enthusiast with Software & Media Engineering background. Currently both are specializing in Masters degree in Software Engineering and developing EtMDB. We hopes you'll love everything our website has to offer and explore a little. We're really proud of the service we've built and hope you find it as useful as we do.

Let's write our movie history together.

Yohannes Yalew

Yohannes Yalew

Out first greatest movie & artist contributor. John is graduate CS student.
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Tsion Tamrat T

Tsion Tamrat T

Brilliant contributor with great writing skills.

Eyob Woldegiorgis

Eyob Woldegiorgis

Software Engineer, Co-founder of EtMDB & managing partnerships.
LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram

Dawit Nida

Dawit Nida

Software Engineer, Co-founder of EtMDB, working on EtMDB REST & GraphQL APIs.
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