
Hermon E Demissie (ሔርሞን እ ደምሴ)


He was a cinematographer on the movie "Kedamena Belay"

Leulseged Kassa (ልዑልሰገድ ካሳ)

በትወና ዲፕሎማና cocያለው የተቀበረው ተከታታይ ድራማ ላይ በትወና ብሌን አቻዬ እኔና ቤቴ ፊልም ላይ በትወና የተሳተፈ ሲሆን በፕሮዳክሽን ማናጀርነትም ይሰራል

Mesay Adugna (መሳይ አዱኛ)

Casting | Location-Manager | Promoter

We do not have full information about this artist, Please send us your contributions to our Facebook page or send by email to [email protected]

Nardos Adane (ናርዶስ አዳነ)


Nardos is a young Ethiopian actress.

Zeritu Kebede (ዘሪቱ ከበደ)

Actress | Producer | Soundtrack | Writer

ዘሪቱ ከበደ, also known as just Zeritu, is an Ethiopian Singer, song writer, social activist, actress, film producer and screen writer. In December 2012, Zeritu picked on her career in acting and film production when she began the production of the film ‘Kemis Yelebesku’let,’ later released in January 12, 2014. Zeritu ... read more