
Bethel Tesfaye (ቤተል ተስፋዬ)


Bethel Tesfaye was born in Adiss Ababa. She is the first child for her family. She was graduated in AAU in the department of social worrk. When Bethy was a child she wanted to be a model so she started modeling when she was 16. After two years, she attended miss Adiss Abeba and Bethy was on top 3. She also works in... read more

Birhanu Worku (ብርሃኑ ወርቁ)

Actor | Director | Writer

Birhanu is well known actor, producer, cameraman and director on several Ethiopian movies.

Rizvan Sileshi (ሪዝቫን ስለሺ)

የተወለደችው ሀረር ከተማ ሲሆን በልጅነት እድሜዋ ወደ አዲስ አበባ በመምጣ የሁለተኛ ደረጀና የኮሌጅ ትምህርቷን ተከታትላለች:: ሴቶች በቀላሉ ፊልም መስራት (መታጨት) በማይችሉበት የሀገራችን ፊልም ገበያ ያላሰበችው ዕድል አጊንታ የመጀመሪያ ፊልሟን (ከበሮ) የመጀመሪያ በማይመስል ድንቅ ትወና ተጫውታለች:: በመቀጠል ሰምና ወርቅ: እኔና አንቺ : የታፈነ ፍቅር የመጀመሪያዬ: ግማሽ ሰው ሀገራችን ውስጥ አሉ ከሚባሉ ወጣት እና አንጋፋ አርቲስቶች ጋር ለመስራት ችላለች:: ከዚህ ውጪ በተከታታይ የ... read more

Semagngeta Aychiluhem (ሰማኝጌታ አይችሉህም)

Semagngeta Aychiluhem is an Ethiopian filmmaker born and raised in Addis Ababa. He is the Creator/Producer and Director of 5 lelit and Brotherly Sisterly sitcom. He has also screened his short film in international film festivals around the world.