
Nebiyat Mekonen (ነቢያት መኮንን)

Modelist and an artist from Wello.

Pina Abay (ፒና አባይ)


Pina was born in Ardaita, a place near Adama (Nazreth), and she moved to Adama. As a kid, her dream to be an actress made her to watch a lot of movies. She started her acting career in music video clip in Adama, and her first movie was Valentine. In addition to her acting career, Pina also has B.Sc in Computer Engi... read more

Sayat Demissie (ሳያት ደምሴ)


ሳያት ደምሴ በ2006(E.C) የቁንጅና ውድድር የወይዘሪት ኢትዮትጵያነትን ኣክሊል የተጎናጸፈች ወጣት ናት። ከዚያም ኣልፎ በቅርቡ ለህዝብ ባቀረበቻቸው የሙዚቃና የፊልም ስራዎቹዋ በህዝብ ዘንድ ኣድናቆትን ኣጊኝታለች