Netsa Kelebet (ነፃ ቀለበት) (Jan. 2, 2013)

101min |

Aseged is pressured by his jealous fiancée Lulit to fire his best employee Beza. Though Lulit later changes her mind and tells him to keep her so that she can watch them, but Beza quits. Lulit punishes Aseged by pretending to sleep with his best friend Misikir. He dumps her. While she works on a plan to get him back, he rehires Beza and they become involved. But when Beza’s friend Miki arrives from the U.S., Aseged, fearing that he will ask her to marry him, becomes the jealous one. Synopsis: Rebecca Fisseha

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Actor(s) & Actress(s):

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Age restriction: G (General Audiences)


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