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Belaynesh Amede (kuneye) was born on 1945 G.c. around wollo-Ethiopia. When she was 11 years old she started traditional dancing. For 57 years she has entertained people by singing, dancing and acting. She retired from "hager fikir theatre" on 2004 G.c
Haile Gerima is an ethiopian film maker who lives and works in the united stated. He is a leading member pf the L.A rebellion film movement, also known as the Los Angeles school of black filmmakers. His films have recieved wide international acclaim. Since 1975, Gerima has been an influential film professor at Howa... read more
Abdu Kiar is an Ethiopian singer. He gained popularity in 2003 with his first album called "merkato sefere". Abdu kiar is well known for his modern style of Ethiopian music.
Actress | Assistant-Director | Director | Producer
Mekdes Tsegaye is a Film Actress, Director, Writer, producer and Talk show host who is responsible for Tisisir , Yeadam Gemena , Zeraf, Yekereme, Mogachoch and Mekdi show. ትስስር፣የአዳም ገበና፣ዘራፍ፣የከረመ ላይ ትተውናለች። የትስስር ደራሲ፣የአዳም ገመና ደራሲ እና ዳይሬክተር ናት፤ትስስር፣የአዳም ገመና፣ዘራፍ፣ዲፕሎማት እና የከረመ ፊልሞች ፕሮዲሰር ናት። ኢቢኤስ ላይ የሚተላለፈው ሞጋቾች ተከታታይ የ... read more
Dina Fekadu is an Ethiopian TV Host, model and beauty pageant titleholder who competed in Miss Universe 2006 and placed top 20
An architect by profession, owns a company called 'Balemuya interior design and homeware manufacturing plc that does interior design and makes authentic ethiopian soft furnishings with a brand name called Meleya. Kemis Yelebeskulet is the first feat... read more
She has acted on “Yefirkir Kal”, her first film as an actress “Yewededu Semon” and “Astaraki” Amharic films. She was born and raised in Addis Abeba, in a district commonly known as “Olompia” and spent her childhood with her grandmother. She used to see many VHS movies during childhood times. She was casted by ... read more
ተወልዳ ያደገችው በቦሌ አካባቢ ሲሆን የትወና ፍቅር ያደረባት ከልጅነቷ ጀምሮ ነበር። በትምህርት ቤት ድራማዎች እና ዘፈኖችን ትሰራ ነበር። ምንም እንኳን በሌላ ዘርፍ ብትመረቅም ከአርቱ ግን ምንም አላገዳትም። መጀመርያ ከህዝብ ጋር የተዋወቀችው በሰንሰለት የቲቪ ድራማ ክፍል 37 ላይ ሲሆን:በራሷግን አጫጭር አዝናኝ ቪዲዮዎችን ትሰራለች::
መስከረም 1 ተወለደች ትውልድና እድገቷ ወሊሶ ነው፡፡አዱ፣አዱኮ፣ሚሚሹ እንዲሁም ፔንኪለር የተሰኙ ቅፅል ስሞች አሏት፡፡እስካሁን 14በላይ ፊልሞችን ሰርታለች የባል ጋብቻ የመጀመሪያ ፊልሟ ሲሆን አሁን በቅርቡ የሰራቸው ሀ እና ለ2 ነው፡፡ለመጀመሪያ ክፍያዋ 8000 ብር ነበር ከትወና ሌላ መደነስ፣መዝፈን ትወዳለች፡፡ ባህሪዋ ተጫዋች፣አይናፋር ናት አይናፋርንቷ ግን ስራ ላይ እንዳልሆነ ተናግራለች ስትደሰት ደስታዋን ምትገልው በመጮህ ሲሆን ስታዝን ደሞ አብዝታ ትፀልያለች፡፡በሀበሻነቷ ከምትኮራበት ነገሮች ባ... read more
ተወልዳ ያደገችው አዲስ አበባ ነው ወደ ትወና አለም የተቀላቀለችው በአጋጣሚ በጣም በወጣትነቱ ነው። የመጀመርያ ስራዋን ሰርት ከ6ት ዓመት በኃላ ወደ ትወናው ተመልሳ ብዙ ስራዎችን ለተመልካች መድረስ ቀጥላለች በትምህርት ደግሞ በምዕንድስና ድግሪ ይዛለች። በይበልጥ የምትታወቀው ፍቅር እና ገንዘብ ላይ ሳንታ ሆና ስትተውን ነው።